"We strive to provide the right solutions to our clients for improving their indoor air quality. We are currently the only company in the country providing antiviral air purification systems that is equipped to cease the spread of SARS COVID Virus & creating a Mask free Zone."

Strata Survey : We conduct strata survey to find out the air volume, air flow and air quality of a place before advising a solution.
Outdoor Air Quality Monitoring : We offer outdoor air quality monitoring services that carves out its own niche in excellence. Our unique pollutant-sensing technology comes handy for environmental monitoring
Our Services
Indoor Air Quality Monitoring : Indoor air quality monitoring is of extreme demand due to the current air pollution levels and the Pandemic. Our engineers armed with our own monitoring devices offer state of the art air quality monitoring service.
Air purification : We depend on patent pending negative ion generation technology to ensure antiviral and anti-pollutant protection for your house and office, 24 x 7